Wednesday 10 October 2012

Day 2 Attack

Weight 127.6 (1.4lbs lost)

Pretty happy about that!

Here is my food diary for today. A little under on calories so I may have some more ham before bedtime. 

Our dinner was a starter of oven roasted cod with paprika and a dash of lemon juice. Main course was a rump steak with dukan peppercorn sauce.  My DH loved the sauce! Winner! 

Dukan peppercorn sauce:
3tblsp extra light Philadelphia
Garlic - 2cloves chopped
Half an oxo into a cup of boiling water
Ground peppercorns
1tsp Splenda

Add some water to the pan and boil the garlic and pepper for a couple of mins 
Add the beef oxo water. Reduce to a third
Add the philli and Splenda
Season to taste
Reduce until thick and pour over cooked steaks

I didn't mention that my DH is doing the Dukan too! He is 12st6 hoping to get to 11st6! 

So much easier when you are doing it together. 

I didn't do the before pictures last night but I will tonight for sure! 

Night all DDD x 

I blog with BE Write

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