Monday 8 October 2012

The Dukan Phases

There are 4 stages on the dukan diet.

1. Attack
From the dukan website:
"The Attack phase consists of pure protein and creates a kick-start to the diet. During this phase, you can eat 72 high-protein foods that produce immediate and noticeable weight loss."
It's not all meat though.... If creatively used, the oat bran allowance (see later) can help with the carb cravings.

Here is the list of 68 foods and where you can get them in Dubai.

As well as the list below there are 2 other items to include

Oatbran (1.5 tablespoons daily in attack, 2.0 tablespoons in cruise) - I buy the mornflake Oatbran from spinneys, but there are some good alternatives in the organic food cafe that I've yet to try

Fat free SUGAR free dairy is unlimited in attack, restricted to 1L in cruise (including skimmed milk which shouldn't exceed 1/4L (250ml)).
I find this harder as my local lifeblood spinneys is quite small. Fat free milk is easy, be careful of the fat free yoghurt as many contain too high sugar. Many dukan recipes use quark, I believe you can get this in the organic supermarket. I've yet to find a fat free cottage cheese or good fat free cream cheese. I'll maintain a list of suppliers once I have some recommendations.

Vinager, herbs, spices, garlic, onion, shallots are all allowed for flavour

Gherkins - as a condiment

Lemons for flavouring but not as a juice or lemonade

Mustard and salt in moderation- remember the evils of water retention

Sweetener - dukan recommends aspartame (I personally think this stuff is evil, go for Splenda or stevia)

Sugar free gum for when the cravings strike


1.5lts water per day

20 min walk

The Attack foods list

Meal and Offal
1. Beef Steak
2. Fillet of Beef
3. Sirloin Steak
4. Roast Beef - epic pieces at the organic supermarket
5. Tongue - ewwww
6. Bresaola – air dried beef - yet to find
7. Rump Steak
8. Veal chop
9. Veal Escalope
10. Kidney
11. Calf’s liver
12. Pre-cooked sliced chicken and turkey (no fat or rind)
13. Pre-cooked sliced ham slices (no fat or rind)
14. Reduced fat Bacon
15. Rabbit
16. Game including Venison, pheasant, partridge, hare, grouse
17. Dover Sole
18. Bass
19. Fresh Cod
20. Crab/ocean sticks
21. Haddock
22. Dab/lemon sole
23. Grey mullet
24. Hake
25. Herring
26. Mackerel
27. Halibut
28. Monkfish
29. Plaice
30. Pollock/Coley
31. Rainbow trout/salmon trout
32. Salmon
33. Smoked Salmon
34. Sardines
35. Sea Bream
36. Swordfish
37. Skate
38. Tuna
39. Turbot
40. Whiting
41. Fish Roe (cod, salmon, mullet and herring
42. Red Mullet

43. Calamari/Squid
44. Clams
45. Crab
46. Cockles
47. Lobster
48. Mediterranean Prawns
49. Crawfish/crayfish
50. Dublin Bay Prawns
51. Mussels
52. Prawns
53. Scallops
54. Oysters
55. Shrimps
56. Whelks

Poultry and Game
57. Chicken
58. Chicken Liver
59. Poussin
60. Guinea Fowl
61. Ostrich
62. Quail
63. Turkey
64. Pigeon

65. Hen’s Eggs
66. Quail’s Eggs

Non-fat Dairy
67. Non-fat fromage frais
68. Non-fat quark/non-fat yogurt (plain or sugar free - Total 0% is recommended)
69. Non-fat cottage cheese
70. Non-fat greek yogurt
71. Skim milk

Vegetable Protein
72. Tofu - Lulu Barsha / spinneys marina

How long for?
My dukan profile from the iPhone app said 2 days off attack for my gold but I would prefer 5. I want to lose about 10/15 lbs.

The book says weight loss goal of:
40+ lbs = 7-10 days
20 to 40lbs = 5 days
10 to 20lbs = 3 days
Less than 10 = 1 or 2 days
2. Cruise
" The Cruise phase adds 32 vegetables and will take you to your True Weight. You will gradually but steadily lose weight by alternating Pure Protein days and Protein + Vegetables days. The average length of this phase is based on a schedule of 3 days for each pound you want to lose."

Basically as you were on attack but on alternate days add veg from the list below plus:
Increase your Oatbran to 2tbspn
Less than a teaspoon of oil
30 min walk or (60 min if you are stagnating)

Vegetables (Intro as Cruise Phase Foods Only!)
73. Artichoke
74. Asparagus
75. Eggplant
76. Beet root
77. Cabbage – all types including white, red, savoy, cauliflower, Chinese leaves, kohlrabi, kale, brussels sprout and more
78. Broccoli and purple sprouting broccoli
79. Carrot
80. Chicory
81. Celery and celery root
82. Zucchini or Courgette
83. Cucumber
84. Leek
85. Onion
86. Fennel
87. Mushrooms
88. Turnip
89. French beans/string beans
90. Palm Hearts
91. Sweet Peppers
92. Radish
93. Rhubarb
94. Pumpkin and other squash
95. Salad leaves – all types of lettuce including arugula, rocket, watercress, romaine, alfalfa, sorrel, curly endive and more
96. bean sprouts/mung sprouts
97. Swede
98. Spinach
99. Swiss chard
100. Tomatoes

How long?
Until you reach your desired weight. Dukan recons for me that's 31 days

I will be updating this post regularly with more specific Dubai sources of dukan suitable products and meals.

I'll come to phase 3 and 4 later on


I blog with BE Write

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